Believing and Trusting MAN while Trusting God

Proverbs 3:5 - King James Version (KJV)
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

The above is a Good verse to follow everyday of our life, but some people do made mistake that Don't trust MAN, but that was wrong idea. God as created MAN to be "My Angel for Now" or "My Angel Now". Despite the fact we should not lean or rely on MAN effort but to Trust God only, we need to have 99.9% trust on MAN because God as sent them to us as a helping hand. If it is Spiritual thing God will do it without human-agent support, but since God is not a magician, physical need most of the times require the support of human-agent. And because we need what we ask from God, he sends and angel (My Angel Now) to be of helping hand to us. My summary is that we should not despise human promise even they failed many times, we should still have 99.9% trust on MAN, knowing that the remain 0.9% is the Escape Trust.
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